Get an overview of the weather in your fields with weather data from Cordulus.Cordulus Farm makes hyper-local weather data available to farmers and ot
Get an overview of the weather in your fields with weather data from Cordulus.
Cordulus Farm makes hyper-local weather data available to farmers and other agro-industry clients.
Connect your Cordulus Farm weather station to the Cordulus Farm app and receive frequent weather data from your area of interest.
The frequent, hyper-local weather data allow farmers to monitor their fields and make informed decisions at the right time throughout the year.
The app intuitively offers historical and live weather data, weather forecasts as well as agro-tailored analyses.
Our weather stations are active in more than 10 countries and each day we process more than 2 million weather data measurements.
Read more about Cordulus Farm at
Using this application requires a registered account at Cordulus Farm.